
Name Your Roots

Name Your Roots facilitates personalized discovery of ancestral heritage. Many books are referenced for a comprehensive search into the past with actual bibliographies

Genie Milgrom's Website

Rastreando Raíces Judias Patrocinado Y Genie Milgrom

Genie Milgrom fue capaz de rastrear la genealogia de su familia unas 22 generaciones hasta los 1400 en España y Portugal. Ella pudo desenredar las mentiras y engaños que su familia tuvo que inventar para poder sobrevivir la Inquisicion Española. Su fascinante historia la embarco en una larga y complicada trayectoria personal. Para todos las personas que estan buscando sus propias raices o desean comenzar una busqueda genealogica de sus propias familias, deben de estar con nosotros en este taller gratuito y virtual. Genie estara compartiendo como fue que ella logro hacer su genealogia paso por paso, utilizando los expedientes de la Iglesia Catolica y de la Inquisicion.

Tracing your Roots: A Two-Part Workshop With Genie Milgrom (Part 1)

Tracing her family back 15 generations to the early 1500s in Spain, Genie Milgrom was able to unravel the web of lies and deceit that her family had spun around themselves in order to survive the Spanish Inquisition. This fascinating story brought her on a journey she could have never imagined. For those of you looking to trace your own roots, or begin a genealogical expedition, Genie will share what she learned and how she has helped others trace their own roots. It is recommended that you read her first book, My 15 Grandmothers (…. There Genie takes the reader through her journey – from growing up Catholic to finding her Crypto-Jewish lineage and embracing the religion of her ancestors. Genie Milgrom was born into a Roman Catholic family in Havana, Cuba and today lives in Miami, Florida where her family emigrated during the Cuban Revolution. Genie is currently the President of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Miami, The President of Tarbut Sefarad-Fermoselle, and is the President of the Society of Crypto-Judaic Studies at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs. Genie appears in The Crypto Experience, an IJE semester-long course. The course, broken into 10 minute segments, presents different crypto societies and how they maintained their identities.

Tracing Your Roots: A Two-Part Workshop with Genie Milgrom (Part 2)

Tracing her family back 15 generations to the early 1500s in Spain, Genie Milgrom was able to unravel the web of lies and deceit that her family had spun around themselves in order to survive the Spanish Inquisition. This fascinating story brought her on a journey she could have never imagined. For those of you looking to trace your own roots, or begin a genealogical expedition, Genie will share what she learned and how she has helped others trace their own roots. It is recommended that you read her first book, My 15 Grandmothers (…. There Genie takes the reader through her journey – from growing up Catholic to finding her Crypto-Jewish lineage and embracing the religion of her ancestors. Genie Milgrom was born into a Roman Catholic family in Havana, Cuba and today lives in Miami, Florida where her family emigrated during the Cuban Revolution. Genie is currently the President of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Miami, The President of Tarbut Sefarad-Fermoselle, and is the President of the Society of Crypto-Judaic Studies at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs. Genie appears in The Crypto Experience, an IJE semester-long course. The course, broken into 10 minute segments, presents different crypto societies and how they maintained their identities.

Finding Judaism Across Mexico, Latin America, and Africa: 2023​

Communities across Africa and Central America are returning to their Jewish roots or finding Judaism. They are seeking out religion and a connection to the larger Jewish world, many with a view towards their own Sephardi ancestry and others through an affinity for the Sephardi rites. Finding Judaism will highlight these communities and their work with Kulanu and Genie Milgrom.

New Works Wednesdays with Edith Scott Saavedra

In this episode of the New Works Wednesdays series, Edith Scott Saavedra discusses her new work “The Lamps of Albarracin.” Historical fiction author Edith Scott Saavedra explores her journey to bring alive the culture and history of Sephardic Aragon and true stories of resistance to the Spanish Inquisition by giving voice to women and girls. Inspired by traditions passed down from mother to daughter for generations, the author would discover in the historical records episodes of resistance long suppressed by the monarchy and church in Spain, write a historical novel in English and Spanish editions, and set out to bring this content to students in Spain and the United States.

New Works Wednesdays with Aviva Ben-Ur

In this episode of New Works Wednesdays Aviva Ben-Ur discusses her new book “Jewish Autonomy in a Slave Society: Suriname in the Atlantic World, 1651-1825.” “Jewish Autonomy in a Slave Society” explores the political and social history of the Jews of Suri-name, a Dutch colony on the South American mainland just north of Brazil. Suriname was home to the most privileged Jewish community in the Americas where Jews, most of Iberian origin, enjoyed religious liberty, were judged by their own tribunal, could enter any trade, owned plantations and slaves, and even had a say in colonial governance.

New Works Wednesdays with Jane Gerber

In this episode of New Works Wednesdays, Jane Gerber discusses her new book “Cities of Splendour in the Shaping of Sephardi History.” Sephardi identity has meant different things at different times, but has always entailed a connection with Spain, from which the Jews were expelled in 1492. While Sephardi Jews have lived in numerous cities and towns throughout history, certain cities had a greater impact in the shaping of their culture. This book focuses on those that may be considered most important, from Cordoba in the tenth century to Toledo, Venice, Safed, Istanbul, Salonica, and Amsterdam at the dawn of the seventeenth century. Each served as a venue in which a particular dimension of Sephardi Jewry either took shape or was expressed in especially intense form. Significantly, these cities were mostly heterogeneous in their population and culture – half of them under Christian rule and half under Muslim rule – and this too shaped the Sephardi world-view and attitude. While Sephardim cultivated a distinctive identity, they felt at home in the cultures of their adopted lands. Drawing upon a variety of both primary and secondary sources, Jane Gerber demonstrates that Sephardi history and culture have always been multifaceted.

Exclusive Authors Series with Joyce Yarrow

Join us for Exclusive Authors Series with Joyce Yarrow discussing her new book “Zahara and the Lost Books of Light”! About the book: Seattle journalist Alienor Crespo travels to Spain to claim the promise of citizenship offered to the descendants of Jews expelled from Spain in 1492. As she relives history through her vijitas (visits) with her ancestors, Alienor also confronts modern-day extremism and commits herself to protecting an endangered “Library of Light” – a hidden treasure trove of medieval Hebrew and Arabic books, saved from the fires of the Inquisitio

IJE MOOC Series: The Crypto Experience (Intro)

Taught by scholars from around the world and multiple disciplines, each course contains lectures, self-checks and supplemental readings. Facilitated online discussions serve to enhance the learning experience

Online Courses: The Crypto Experience

Taught by scholars from around the world and multiple disciplines, each course contains lectures, self-checks and supplemental readings. Facilitated online discussions serve to enhance the learning experience.

IJE MOOC Series: The Crypto Experience (Intro)

Course :

Taught by scholars from around the world and multiple disciplines, each course contains lectures, self-checks and supplemental readings. Facilitated online discussions serve to enhance the learning experience